Les propriétaires de Jeep affirment que les publicités contextuelles pour des garanties prolongées bloquent constamment leurs écrans tactiles.

Les propriétaires de Jeep affirment que les publicités contextuelles pour des garanties prolongées bloquent constamment leurs écrans tactiles.

      Automakers have promoted connected cars by claiming they would enhance the driving experience and ownership. “Receive over-the-air updates instead of going to the dealership,” they enthusiastically proclaimed. “Lock your car from anywhere using your phone,” they shouted. However, as we have seen with everything from smartwatches to smart TVs, connectivity often benefits corporations more than consumers. After all, how else could a company relentlessly contact you regarding your car’s extended warranty if you have yet to respond to all nine of their phone calls this week?

      This is the frustration expressed by a Jeep owner whose 2022 Grand Cherokee persistently displays pop-up ads on the vehicle’s infotainment screen. They shared an image of the in-cabin notification on Reddit, which encourages them to “Purchase Peace of Mind” by acquiring a FlexCare Extended Care Premium plan.

      If this were an isolated incident, it might not be as concerning, but the owner states it dominates the “entire screen… every time you stop, even if you hit OK.” Additionally, there’s an option to make a Bluetooth call, likely connecting them to a representative who can assist with the sign-up process if they wish.

      However, it’s crucial to highlight that the pop-up states the car must have fewer than 36,000 miles to qualify for the warranty. “I reached 36,000 miles last week,” the original poster mentioned. “It started appearing yesterday.” Even if they were to comply with their car’s repeated urging, they would not be eligible for the advertised service. If the vehicle were genuinely intelligent, it would know the mileage on the odometer, adding to the frustration for individuals who simply want peace and quiet.

      For what it’s worth, this isn't the first instance of a Jeep owner bringing this issue to light. The earliest reports I could find were from two years ago regarding Wranglers and Gladiators, which drew complaints back then. Jeep continues this practice, and notably, user u/RahRahRasputin mentions they have owned their 2022 Grand Cherokee since new and only just started seeing the message now.

      These pop-ups can supposedly be turned off by visiting the Jeep Connect website. The owner must create an account there, which I attempted to do to see the process. I only needed to provide my email and set a password, along with acknowledging the rather ominous disclaimer at the bottom of the screen.

      Yes, don't mind that little banner at the bottom. It's probably nothing to worry about. Jeep Connect

      Once there, you link your vehicle and account using the car’s VIN (which I couldn’t complete since I don’t own a Jeep). Through Jeep Connect, you can manage various features, including simple ones like remote start and more advanced subscription features, such as Dynamic Range Navigation, which maps routes tailored to your car’s fuel level or battery charge. To disable pop-ups like the one mentioned, you need to navigate through several menus to turn off “in-vehicle notifications.” Quite inconvenient, especially if you're not accustomed to owning a vehicle that seems to know your favorite coffee spot for a treat every Wednesday.

      I suppose this is the price we pay for embracing modernity. Or, at least, this is what we signed up for from businesses that prioritize our data and micro-transactions over delivering a satisfactory user experience.

      Have a tip or question for the author? Reach out to them directly: [email protected]

Les propriétaires de Jeep affirment que les publicités contextuelles pour des garanties prolongées bloquent constamment leurs écrans tactiles. Les propriétaires de Jeep affirment que les publicités contextuelles pour des garanties prolongées bloquent constamment leurs écrans tactiles. Les propriétaires de Jeep affirment que les publicités contextuelles pour des garanties prolongées bloquent constamment leurs écrans tactiles.

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Les propriétaires de Jeep affirment que les publicités contextuelles pour des garanties prolongées bloquent constamment leurs écrans tactiles.

To make matters worse, one owner mentions that their vehicle surpasses the mileage limit, meaning they are not eligible for the advertised coverage.