WD-40 Specialist Gel Lube safeguards metal surfaces and remains in place upon application.
Andrew P. Collins
I recently received a care package from WD-40® Brand, and when I first took out a can of WD-40 Specialist Gel Lube, I was uncertain how to use it. Most demonstrations appeared to showcase its application on industrial machinery, which I don’t have in my simple workshop. However, I quickly discovered that its thick, foam-like consistency and excellent adhesion make it extremely useful for nearly any moving, sliding, or grinding metal surfaces—even for items that are positioned vertically or upside down.
This is not the same as WD-40® Multi-Use Product—the classic WD-40 known for its 2,000+ applications. WD-40 Specialist products, like Gel Lube, are specifically designed to lubricate and protect metal under particular conditions.
Andrew P. Collins
My personal favorite remains the WD-40 Specialist Penetrant. This pleasantly scented, rust-loosening formula is excellent for loosening bolts, sliders, rollers, or anything else that has become stuck due to corrosion. When I’m attempting to remove a car part that has undergone countless heat cycles and has been subjected to years of road salt, applying a generous amount of penetrant before I even take out the socket significantly eases the process of removal.
In contrast, this Gel Lube can prevent parts from rusting in the first place while enabling them to move smoothly immediately. By applying it generously, it creates a lubricating layer for metal-on-metal contact. By displacing moisture and resisting water, the product serves as a rust-prevention barrier that, according to WD-40 Brand, can last up to a year. Additionally, its high-cling, no-fling capabilities make it ideal for vertical surfaces, such as garage door rails, which is exactly where I first applied it.
Andrew P. Collins
In my shop, I have two standard garage doors. Each door is equipped with rollers on tracks that keep them secured while being lifted or lowered. Large springs in the back help manage their weight.
The garage slider channels were an excellent place to test the gel lube’s flow. After shaking the can vigorously for 20 to 30 seconds, the highly viscous product dispenses quickly, especially with a firm squeeze on the trigger. It may drip if allowed to pool, but a gentle squeeze coupled with swift movement of the can allows for a neat application.
Andrew P. Collins
While my garage doors weren’t particularly sticky prior, after a light application of the gel lube, they now glide like air hockey pucks. They also quieted down noticeably and benefit from added moisture protection, which is great considering the humid summer weather we often experience in New York's Hudson Valley.
I appreciate the precision offered by the deployable red straw attached to the can, but you can also flip it down for a wider spray pattern if desired. Here’s what you can expect from the spray patterns of the red and short nozzles when held about six inches away and squeezed for around two seconds.
Andrew P. Collins
It's designed to be applied quite generously; there's minimal risk of over-application unless it’s on surfaces where people or pets might come into contact with it. Once it settles, it won't drip, even on vertical or upside-down surfaces.
WD-40 Specialist Gel Lube is safe for most metals, plastic, and rubber. While I wouldn’t let it linger on visible painted surfaces, as long as you can quickly clean up any overspray, you shouldn’t encounter problems. If you’re concerned about reactions or discoloration, testing a small area first, as well as consulting WD-40 Brand’s safety data sheet, is recommended.
You might also find metal sliders in your garage toolboxes, particularly if you have tall ones with drawers, as I do. I wanted to ensure I was cautious here to avoid getting my tool handles slick with lube. However, having practiced on the garage rollers, it was easy to apply small beads between the drawers and the metal tracks they slide on. After applying the gel lube, they now glide smoothly.
Andrew P. Collins
From there, I located a few small hinges to treat, successfully lubricating the rollers on two garage doors and a sizeable toolbox drawer set without even exhausting an entire can. Next, I plan to explore under my various vehicles. I might clean some of the dirty areas using the WD-40 Specialist Degreaser and Cleaner EZ-Pods, then follow up with the gel lube. There are likely many moving parts on my older trucks and UTV that could benefit from some attention…and they could certainly use some moisture protection.
WD-40 Brand provides numerous application examples for this product, including bearings, gears, cables, chains, rollers, linkages, moving parts, choppers, feeders, and door rollers. Once applied, the gel lube can endure temperatures ranging from -100°F to 500°F. If you're driving in conditions outside that range, you likely

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WD-40 Specialist Gel Lube safeguards metal surfaces and remains in place upon application.
This is not the traditional WD-40® Product. Introducing the WD-40 Specialist® Gel Lube, a no-drip formula that applies thickly and remains in position, offering enduring protection and lubrication, even on vertical surfaces.