Driver Overlooks Icy Windshield and Collides with Train | Carscoops

Driver Overlooks Icy Windshield and Collides with Train | Carscoops

      The driver of a Renault Laguna Coupe in Poland narrowly escaped a serious fate after a frightening encounter with a train, a mishap that could have been easily prevented with some additional care. Similar to numerous other car-train incidents, this one seems to stem from inattention and poor visibility. Authorities noted that the driver did not remove ice from the windshield, instead relying solely on the defroster to gradually clear it.

      The incident took place near Warsaw, Poland's capital, on February 18 around 9 a.m. CCTV footage reveals the white Laguna approaching the train crossing, apparently oblivious to the oncoming train. The vehicle proceeded under the lowered safety barrier, and shortly afterward, the train came into view.

      Fortunately for the Renault driver, they were not fully on the tracks when the train arrived, narrowly avoiding a side collision that could have severely crumpled the vehicle. Instead, the train struck the front of the coupe, causing the car to spin around and eject its engine. Reports from local media indicate that the driver was not injured in the accident.

      When authorities arrived, they found that the driver had not removed any ice from the windshield and was depending on the defroster for gradual melting. Although this likely impeded visibility, it is hard to believe the driver was completely blinded to the road ahead.

      Tragic accidents like this are not rare. In mid-January, a black Toyota Prius was seen driving through a train crossing in North Miami Beach. In that incident, the rear of the Prius was struck by the train, but fortunately, the driver emerged without serious injuries.

      Regrettably, easily preventable accidents like these keep occurring globally. A bit more caution and perhaps a few extra minutes spent clearing ice from a windshield could significantly alter outcomes.

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Driver Overlooks Icy Windshield and Collides with Train | Carscoops

The driver went around a barrier at the railway crossing without a second thought.