Trucker Discharges 2,000 Gallons of Fuel onto Road Instead of Driving to Nearby Station

Trucker Discharges 2,000 Gallons of Fuel onto Road Instead of Driving to Nearby Station

      A truck driver was apprehended yesterday in Moundville, Alabama, for deliberately releasing 2,000 gallons of jet fuel onto the roadway. As reported by WBRC 6 News, authorities indicated that the truck spilled fuel over a span of five miles, including on a bridge that crosses a creek. A hazardous materials team was called in to address the situation, and fortunately, any threat to public health has been averted.

      Prior to the fuel dumping, the driver, 58-year-old Alphonso Terry Jr., had been attempting to fill his tanker at a nearby gas depot but was refused service. He was advised that he needed to offload the fuel already in the tanker, as the depot cannot mix different types of fuel. Instead of driving approximately 90 miles to the nearest discharge station in Meridian, Mississippi, Terry opted to bypass the regulations and released the fuel onto the road by opening the valves and evading safety measures. The spill continued as the truck crossed a bridge over a creek, raising concerns about potential contamination of the waterways and associated health risks. Thankfully, the hazmat team ensured that the fuel did not enter the water.

      “We had the Tuscaloosa Fire hazmat team respond immediately, and they arrived to prevent any fuel from reaching the water like the creeks. None of this fuel spilled into the waterways, and they are currently working diligently to remove it from the roadway before it rains,” stated Hale County EMA (Emergency Management Agency) Director Russ Weeden, according to WBRC 6.

      The specifics of how the situation was managed are unclear. The hazmat team may have utilized fire hoses to direct the fuel into storm drains, employed absorbent materials to soak it up, or a combination of both methods.

      Terry was arrested at the scene on five counts of spillage and one count of criminal mischief, with the possibility of additional charges to follow. It’s perplexing how Terry thought he could evade consequences; seeing thousands of gallons of fuel pouring from a tanker is not a common sight, making it likely that someone would take notice. Another driver witnessed the fuel leaking from Terry’s truck and promptly reported it to the authorities.

      Residents living along the roads where Terry dumped the fuel have been advised to reach out to the Moundville Police and file a report if they come across any hazardous spills on their property. They have also been warned to exercise caution near the edges of their property, as any residual fuel could pose a flammability risk.

Trucker Discharges 2,000 Gallons of Fuel onto Road Instead of Driving to Nearby Station Trucker Discharges 2,000 Gallons of Fuel onto Road Instead of Driving to Nearby Station

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Trucker Discharges 2,000 Gallons of Fuel onto Road Instead of Driving to Nearby Station

The jet fuel leaked onto a bridge that spans a creek, prompting a hazmat team to swiftly intervene to prevent contamination of the waterways.