92-Year-Old Woman Insists on Driving Only Her Manual Ford Super Duty Diesel

92-Year-Old Woman Insists on Driving Only Her Manual Ford Super Duty Diesel

      Meet Bev. At 92 years old, she still drives her 2000 Ford F-250 Super Duty on a daily basis. It features a 7.3-liter Power Stroke diesel engine, a six-speed manual transmission, and has racked up 334,000 miles on the odometer.

      This is not only remarkable for the truck but for Bev as well, as maintaining a vehicle with such high mileage in good shape can be challenging, yet hers looks fantastic. I struggle to keep my cars in order, and I am a third of her age. Her impressive ownership of the truck is understandable once you learn her background, as Bev has been driving manual trucks for many, many years.

      You can meet Bev in this promotional video from Jim Vreeland Ford in California. She has been purchasing trucks from them since 1983 and has always chosen Fords. While she may not be a recent buyer, aside from upkeep on her long-time pickup which is now 25 years old, it certainly deserves to stay with her. It’s equipped for ranch work with a rear headache rack and a louvered tailgate, indicating it is likely used for towing a gooseneck or fifth-wheel trailer.

      Her 25-year-old Super Duty isn’t her first work vehicle—not by a long shot. Bev obtained her driver’s license at just 13 years old during WWII and has been driving stick-shifts for 78 years. Her first truck was a 1945 cab-over with a flatbed and a three-speed manual, purchased for $25 and used to transport hay on her family ranch. She has photographs from 80 years ago showing the flatbed filled with hay, highlighting its role as a workhorse. Throughout her life, Bev’s trucks have always served as dependable work animals.

      Since Ford has not produced a pickup with a manual transmission in years, she seems satisfied with her 7.3-liter. And I completely understand her sentiment. I hope to see another video from this dealership in the future featuring an older Bev, with even more mileage on her trusty Super Duty, still going strong.

      Have tips? Share them at [email protected]

92-Year-Old Woman Insists on Driving Only Her Manual Ford Super Duty Diesel

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92-Year-Old Woman Insists on Driving Only Her Manual Ford Super Duty Diesel

She has been operating stick-shift trucks since 1945, when she purchased her first two-ton cab-over equipped with a three-speed manual transmission.