Ford Driver Launches Boat, Now Also Possesses a Submarine | Carscoops
A sequence of errors seems to have resulted in the premature downfall of this pickup truck.
The driver of the Ford pickup miscalculated the waves, leading the vehicle to roll into the deep water. After reversing into the ocean, the truck stalled and became stuck in the waves. While the engine might have escaped hydrolock, repairs are unlikely to be inexpensive.
Vehicles and saltwater are a poor mix, and this Ford may have met a painful fate while assisting in launching a boat into the ocean in Mexico. What began as a straightforward task quickly deteriorated into a notable failure, due to what seems to be a significant miscalculation by the pickup’s driver—who not only misjudged the waves but also couldn't gain traction on the damp sand.
It's uncertain when the event took place, but some observant viewers suggest it occurred at a beach in southern Baja. The video opens with the pickup driver reversing along the beach to help push a small boat into the water. At first, everything appears to be going smoothly, but moments later, the situation begins to deteriorate.
Following the successful launch of the boat, the truck driver continues to reverse for what appears to be at least 12 feet, moving deeper into the water. The truck then backs straight into a wave, which rapidly engulfs most of the vehicle. It seems that the deep water causes the truck to float, leaving the driver in a vulnerable position with no means to regain control. The clip ends just as they manage to escape through a side window.
Careful listening to the footage suggests that the truck's driver stalled the engine shortly after entering the water and could not restart it. However, this does not clarify why they continued to reverse into the crashing waves. Whether it was a driver mistake or an issue with the engine shutting down, the outcome is the same; attempting to repair the truck might not even be worth it.
While the engine may have been turned off when the pickup drove into the water, potentially allowing it to avoid hydrolock, it doesn’t take long for saltwater to begin corroding metals and critical electronic parts. A comprehensive inspection will ultimately determine if the truck can be salvaged, but from our perspective, the prognosis does not look promising.

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Ford Driver Launches Boat, Now Also Possesses a Submarine | Carscoops
A chain of errors seems to have resulted in the premature end of this pickup.