Dodge Driver Stops for Police, Then Speeds Away Like a Bat Out of Hell | Carscoops
This chaotic pursuit includes multiple shifts in tone, transitioning from normal to wild to nearly humorous.
22 hours ago
by Stephen Rivers
Police in Arkansas stopped a Dodge Charger for speeding, initiating what seemed like a routine traffic stop.
The driver provided his details, including a license, but then suddenly took off.
After being apprehended, the driver attempted to conceal evidence, which only drew more attention to it.
Law enforcement is often faced with unexpected situations, and this incident was no exception. An Arkansas officer pulled over a suspected speeder, and everything appeared to be normal. The driver complied, handed over his information, and engaged politely with the trooper. Then, things took a turn.
As described in the video, allegedly narrated by the officer, Trooper Dylan Evans clocked a Dodge Charger at 83 mph (133 km/h) in a 65 mph (105 km/h) zone. He initiated a traffic stop, and the driver promptly pulled over. When the trooper approached, he collected the driver’s license but believed he sensed marijuana during their interaction. He instructed the driver to turn off the vehicle and step to the back of the Charger.
Initially, the driver complied, turning off the engine while the officer moved to the rear of the car. Then, unexpectedly, the driver restarted the engine and took off. Within two minutes, Trooper Evans and fellow Trooper Wright caught up with him.
To close the gap, the officers reached speeds exceeding 140 mph (225 km/h) at times. At one point, Trooper Wright maneuvered alongside the Charger and performed a PIT maneuver to disable the vehicle. The car spun several times, and as the driver struggled to regain control, the officers had him surrounded.
With nowhere to go, video footage shows the driver of the Charger appearing to attempt to throw a small clear plastic bag over the highway railing. Instead of a successful disposal, the bag ended up clearly visible to both officers and the dashboard camera of Trooper Wright’s patrol car, which was well-lit at the moment.
The bag reportedly contained 90 grams of marijuana, and additional drugs and a digital scale were discovered in the vehicle. Consequently, the driver now faces a significant list of charges: speeding, driving without insurance, reckless driving, fleeing, and, of course, drug possession. What began as a simple speeding ticket escalated into much more than anyone had anticipated.
Image Credit: Police Pursuits

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Dodge Driver Stops for Police, Then Speeds Away Like a Bat Out of Hell | Carscoops
This frantic pursuit includes numerous changes in tone, transitioning from ordinary to chaotic and even to the verge of humorous.